Jestem uzależniona od Doktora Housa :)

Słyszałam nawet o grupie polskich lekarzy, których zainspirował oddział medycyny diagnostycznej szpitala Princeton-Plainsboro w New Jersey. Polak jak chce to potrafi i tak powstała strona internetowa, gdzie lekarze z całej Polski wymieniają opinie diagnoz różnicowych :)
Uwielbiam też House'a samego w sobie, a w zasadzie jego pokrzywione poczucie humoru, ciekawe czy Hugh Laurie prywatnie też jest taki, czy to jedynie wymysł scenarzysty. Cieszy mnie bardzo, że na reszcie związał się z Lisą Cuddy... może na reszcie przestaną mówić co drugie słowo "miserable". I to by było na tyle...pędzę oglądać kolejny odcinek 7 sezonu :)


I have to make a confession...I am addicted... luckily it's not a dangerous kind of addiction...and what is more...I share it with my husband and brother in law, as well as with undefined multitude of other addicts.
I am addicted to House M.D.
I have devoted to him lots of my very precious time, watching anxiously one episode after the other. Doesn't matter that it's very predictable, I adore it anyways. I love it, despite the fact that in each episode somebody is seizing, MRIs are done like all-blood tests, every second patient suffers from lupus and magic treat for every desease are steroids.
Watching House M.D. ,we dream of such medical care, where one patient is being treated by 7 doctors, whereas sad reality is (at least here in Poland) that in public health one doctor deals statistically with 70 patients...
I have heard that group of polish doctors have been inspired by diagnostic department of clinic hospital Princeton-Plainsboro, New Jersey. When Pole wants, Pole will do... These doctors have created a website dedicated to differential diagnostics where they share thoughts and opinions about difficult medical cases to offer to their patients more accurate diagnosis.
I am addicted to House M.D.
I have devoted to him lots of my very precious time, watching anxiously one episode after the other. Doesn't matter that it's very predictable, I adore it anyways. I love it, despite the fact that in each episode somebody is seizing, MRIs are done like all-blood tests, every second patient suffers from lupus and magic treat for every desease are steroids.
Watching House M.D. ,we dream of such medical care, where one patient is being treated by 7 doctors, whereas sad reality is (at least here in Poland) that in public health one doctor deals statistically with 70 patients...
I have heard that group of polish doctors have been inspired by diagnostic department of clinic hospital Princeton-Plainsboro, New Jersey. When Pole wants, Pole will do... These doctors have created a website dedicated to differential diagnostics where they share thoughts and opinions about difficult medical cases to offer to their patients more accurate diagnosis.
The other thing about House is, that I love his very specific sense of humour. I am wondering if Hugh Laurie is same in his private life or it's just a screen play. I am very happy that finally he is in relationship with Lisa Cuddy and maybe they will use word "miserable" less often...
That's it... I have to go... another episode of season 7 is waiting for me :)
That's it... I have to go... another episode of season 7 is waiting for me :)
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